Vibrant Eclectic Branding Session | Megan Franey

I am SO excited to give you a little sneak peek into a whole other side of my photography business that I have just as much fun creating. Can you guess what it is?

Well, I kinda gave it away with the title, but it’s BRANDING SESSIONS! * throws confetti *

I have, and will always love a wedding, but I also love to be challenged to do something a little different, and Branding Sessions make me think outside of the box in a whole other way.

As an entrepreneur myself, branding photos are near and dear to my heart. Helping business professionals find that perfect mix of unique imagery to represent them not only as a brand, but as an authentic person is a puzzle that I love collaborating on.

Because at the end of the day, the pictures people see on your website, or your marketing materials, are where they get that first split-second impression of who you are and what you represent. It so important that your personal branding photos feel like you, because everyone has become so good at telling when a public persona feels inauthentic.

I love to help curate and compose just the right images to help you figure out how to marry your personal and business identities.

And that’s just what I aimed to do for miss Megan here!

She, her husband, and I had a fabulous time walking around Union Market District in DC trying to capture the essence of her upcoming and coming personal blog, where she’s excited reconnect with her writing roots and a new community of people that share her values.

Megan’s blog will have a heavy focus on her battle with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which she was diagnosed with in 2018, which is a group of connective tissue disorders that affect the joints, skin, and nails, among other things. Here’s a little more from Megan as she talks about it, and what she wanted her branding photos to embody:

“As I’ve learned to navigate my chronic illness over the last few years, it has become clear to me that I need a space to express what it means (for me) to be a chronically ill person living and working in the world. A space for me to inform, express, and exist exactly as I am. Part of that process involved capturing how I see myself—my personality, my energy, my passions, through photos. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is often an invisible illness, meaning people can look at you and have no idea you have a chronic illness. People will look at these photos and think “she looks perfectly fine and healthy.” And that’s kind of the point. It’s deeper than the surface.”

Megan wanted a playful, fun, colorful vibe that showed lots of different feelings, but also had a healthy mix of moody thrown in, and I think we accomplished just that!

We focused on balancing the bright colorful positivity in these mural shots, with some of the grittier edge of the ultra urban landscapes of concrete and steel as a mirror to the ongoing duality of living with chronic illness.

I had so much fun playing around in this riot of color, and I would love to do it all over again! Thanks for trusting me with your brand, Megan! Excited to see what the future holds for you!